Learn to Watch Your Splits, Swimming Bingo
By Susan von der Lippe
Ever hear random Whoops coming from Lane 2 and occasionally from Coach Doug? There’s a method to our madness because Masters Swimming Bingo is in play. Loveland Masters swimmers, Kayli Changstrom, Karl Stewart and I created this game about 12 years ago as a fun way to watch our swimming splits and challenge each other to games while working out.
We created Bingo cards designed with special magic numbers that you commonly see on the pace clock during a typical one-hour workout. In addition, some cards have challenge squares with other silly items such as: No fin workout, >500 yard warm-up, and my favorite, leg in air for 50 yards. The object of the game is to get a complete line crossed off, or even better, cross off all the squares for total blackout! We use a grease pencil and have a laminated Bingo card at the end of the lane to keep track.
- What are the magic numbers? We standardized on three sets to make memorizing the cards easier. The sets are: Major Magics, Mini Magics and Double Trouble.
- Major Magics include 11:11, 22:22, 33:33, 44:44 and 55:55
- Mini Magics come consecutively on the clock and include: 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55
- Double Troubles are just trouble-makers and include: 10:10, 20:20, 30:30, 40:40, 50:50
- Other numbers that may appear on Bingo cards are :00, 25:25, 12:34 and 43:21
The game is an excellent way to make sure you watch the pace clock, know your splits during a set and plan where you’ll be in the pool when a magic number appears. You must see the number exactly before you can Whoop and claim the spot on the card. No cheating!
For example, say you’re swimming 6×100 free on the 1:50. You’re leading the lane and plan to hold 1:30 per 100 as your finish time. A 1:30 per 100 pace is :45 seconds per 50. If the set begins when the pace clock reads 10:00, you’ll be near the 12 1/2 mark when the magic 10:10 number appears on the clock. You’ll need to look up and Whoop if you see the number. If you don’t, too bad; better luck in 1 hour.
Now you’ve finished the first 50 of the first 100 in the set and should be turning at the wall at 10:45. You push off for the second 50 and swim to the other wall. After your turn in the deep end you need to look up at the flags to see 11:11, the second Magic number during this swim. Whoop! Next, don’t forget about 12:34 in the first part of your 2nd 100 swim. Phew! Now you’ll get a rest for three more 100s before you need to watch for the 20:20 interval during your sixth 100.
Isn’t math great?