Practice Jargon
SKOB – Streamline Kick On Back, which means you should be kicking only, on your back, in a streamline position.
IM Odd Way – swim in traditional Individual Medley Order (Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Freestyle), however the second half of the swim will always be freestyle. For example: a 150 IM Odd Way, swim 25 Butterfly, 25 Freestyle, 25 Backstroke, 25 Freestyle, 25 Breaststroke, 25 Freestyle. A 400 IM Odd Way would be 50 Butterfly, 50 Freestyle, 50 Backstroke, 50 Freestyle, etc.
Negative Split – for a given distance, swim the second half of the distance faster than the first half. For example: a 200 Negative Split swim the first 100 yards at 1:30 the second 100 yards 1:25. Do not stop, just take a quick peek at the clock as you're turning.
Descend – this means in a given set of swims of the same distance, swim each distance faster. For example: 3 x 100 Descend, swim the first one with a time of 1:30, the second one 1:28, and the third one 1:25. Even a one second drop is considered descending.
DAB – Double Arm Backstroke. This is a recovery, meaning relaxing, type of stroke. Both arms are to go over the head at the same time almost like a football referee scoring a touchdown.
Leave on the Top – means the next swim will start with the clock reading :00. However, the first swimmer should put their head underwater at the :59 pushing off the wall on the :00.
Leave on the Bottom – same as the top, except leaving with the clock reading :30.
Crazy 8 – Do 8 very fast freestyle strokes, then the rest of the distance regular freestyle.
AFAP – as fast as possible